Becoming I Foundation


The Entervention is the flagship project of Becoming I in Hyderabad that aims to change how social entrepreneurship is perceived in India by directly interacting with the most impressionable faction of society: students in the 15-20 age groups in schools and colleges across Hyderabad. It aims to introduce students to social entrepreneurship and educate, motivate and inspire them to create ingenious ways of solving current issues.

The two day conference will include:

– Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
– Sessions taken by eminent personalities in the development sector
– Exposure to various social issues existing in the society
– Training on how to develop business models
– Help understand the dynamics of implementing a working business model

We also have some fabulous speakers gracing the event:
– Raj Janagam- Founder of UnLtd Hyderabad
– Sashikanth Kaja- Founder of Rewheel
– Hema Subramanyam- Founder of Color D Earth
– K.L. Srivastava- Director, Centre of Social Initiative and Management (CSIM), Hyderabad
– Neha Swain- Founder of Pravah Pahal

Date: 21st-22nd June, 2014
Eligibility: 15-20 years

Click here to register.